Time for Friday Funnies! Hot on the tail of tone deaf comments by a US politician, late night comedy shows were quick to respond! Check it out!
A fish tale straight outta Russia! Fishing in the freezing cold, vodka, heros and unfortunately accidents with expensive phones!
One thing most iPhone holder and selfie sticks have in common.. they aren’t hands fee! This unique, and may we venture, bold design solves that!
Along with the cinnamon challenge and other idiotic internet spawned ideas.. shower iPhones are a thing now.. time to shut this down.
The Pixel Phone is here! And boy oh boy for all the bluster Google put out did they ever mess up! Check out how it stacks up!
For those of you that like a little higher BPM in your music, this fellow has remixed the standard iPhone ringtones! Put up the horns and take a listen!
Apple recently released a couple fantastic ads for the Apple TV and Siri.. check out their return to great ads!
We came across this amazing throwback that will have you it fits of laughter and amazement! This is pre-internet!
Something happened in South Korea the other day that could be treasonous for Alphabet (Google) Executive Chair Eric Schmidt.
The Daily Show had some issues with their onscreen graphics, I fixed it for them.